Ain’t I a woman? Is the title of the speech by the suffrage and abolitionist, Soujourner Truth in 1851. In this visual response, and using imagery influenced by the book ‘Incidents in the life of a Slave girl written by herself’ by Harriet Jacobs. In this piece, I attempt to illustrate the facial expressions, gestures and experiences of this enslaved woman, knowing that I, as she so aptly writes, ‘could never know what it means to be a slave’.
Throughout my recent studies, my theme, Margins and Marginalisation emphasises the historical impact that Black women of African descent have placed on our current society.
I work using pens and pencils and I invert my fragmented portraits drawing the highlights of the face on a black gridded background. In 2019, began with a series called ‘I am’ in which I recreated a selection of known women’s faces from the Caribbean, the UK North and South America on calico, roughly primed with black gesso to make a vivid monochromatic portrait.

The importance of the muse, the inspiration of many an artist has been explored for thousands of years. They inspire and provoke the creator into exploring their own themes, thoughts and desires. The Muse has (in most circumstances) always been female, a person of beauty and intrigue. Influencing the male European artist to create major art pieces, visual artists such as Klimt, Vermeer and Michelangelo use them to create iconic paintings revered around the world.
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GRIEF is something that cannot be explained. It cannot be described; I feel it is something that is just there. Losing a loved one someone that you’re close to, and in my case, my mum was in my eyes one of the worst experiences. Taking the element of spirituality and exploring the concept of guardian angels.
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